Community Events: In order to promote boating safety, it's important to be visible and known in the community and as such, the squadron participates in many community events each year. Many of these events consist of handing out our pamphlets, displaying OCPS posters and flyers, giveaways and answering customers questions. At the annual Boat Show held at the Ocean City Convention Center, there is a virtual video available in which customers learn how to pilot a boat. The cleanup of Pintail Park by the squadron helps the Ocean Pines Community and is an excellent workout for our members!
Vessel Safety Check Program
The mission of the Ocean City Power Squadron VSC Program is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury and property damage associated with the use of recreational boats.
Our VSC Program helps to achieve compliance with federal, state and local laws, particularly regarding the requirements for onboard safety equipment. It also heightens the boaters awareness of safety issues through one-on-one contact by volunteer Certified Vessel Examiners.
All our examiners are USPS/USCG Auxiliary Certified and will gladly perform a free safety check of your vessel. There is no penalty should your vessel fail the exam and you will be told how to correct any deficiencies for a re-exam. Click Here to Get a Vessel Safety Check, (Free).
Vessel Safety Check Includes
Display of registration numbers.
Valid state registration.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD), Coast Guard approved.
Visual Distress Signals (Flares) with proper dates.
Fire Extinguisher, preferably mounted.
Safe Fuel System (Includes proper ventilation of the fuel tank, I/O & Inboard Engines).
Backfire Flame Control for all I/O or Inboard Engines.
Sound Producing Device (Horn/Bell).
Navigation Lights (Anchor and Running Lights).
Pollution Placard (Vessels 26 feet and longer).
MARPOL Trash Placard (Vessels 26 feet and longer).
Marine Sanitation MSD's (Vessels w/installed heads).
Navigation Rules (All Vessels 39.4 feet or longer).
State and/or Local Requirements.
Overall Vessel Condition.
Safe Electrical System (Incls. batt. box & TML caps).
VSC Examiners
Worcester County Area
P/C. Tony Curro : (410) 629-5900
P/LT/C. Bela Gulyas : (410) 208-9747
Lt. Dan McGrath : (410) 641-5570
D/Lt. John Paulus : (908) 310-5337
Lt/C. John Hess, S : (443) 235-9910
P/C. Fred Stiehl, P : (410) 641-6535
P/C. Jack Tellman, S : (410) 641-7054
Lt/C. Neal Lookner, S : (410) 973-1243
Richard Clagett : (301) 788-1517
Bill Sewell : (443) 350-7167
Sussex County Delaware Area
Dick Carl, AP : (302) 539-3233
Carl Littleton : (302) 236-6602
CO-OP Charting Program
The Ocean City Power Squadron assists the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to produce accurate and up-to-date nautical and aeronautical charts of the local area through this on-water and on-land service activities.
Our members gather up-to-date information (such as water depths, changes in navigational aids and on the water visible landmarks) and forwarded them to NOAA for processing and chart revisions. For additional information go to :

Checking Depth Reading Equipment

NOAA Field Training


Recording Depth Reading